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OEM Replacement Motors

Items 1 to 20 of 260 total
  1. ROTOM UE-794A - OEM Replacement Motors - 3/4 HP - 115V - 11.5A -  4/1075 RPM - Sleeve Bearing - 5.0"×1/2'' Shaft

    ROTOM UE-794A - OEM Replacement Motors - 3/4 HP - 115V - 11.5A - 4/1075 RPM - Sleeve Bearing - 5.0"×1/2'' Shaft

    3/4 HP - 115 Volts - 11.5 Amps - PSC Type - 4/1075 RPM - Rev Rot. - 6.00'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 15/370 Cap - 5.0"×1/2'' Shaft

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  2. ROTOM M2-R31065 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/4HP - 575V - 0.50A - 1140 RPM - REV Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R31065 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/4HP - 575V - 0.50A - 1140 RPM - REV Rotation

    1/4 HP - 575 Volts - 0.50 Amps - 3 Ph Type - 1/1140 RPM - Rev Rot. - 6.30'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing - 2.8"×5/8'' Shaft

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  3. ROTOM M2-R30409 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 208/230V - 1.80A - 1/1550 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R30409 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 208/230V - 1.80A - 1/1550 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    1/5 HP - 208/230 Volts - 1.80 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1550 RPM - CCW Rot. - 4.60'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 4/370 Cap - 3.0"×1/2'' Shaft

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  4. ROTOM OEM Replacement Motors - M2-R31672

    ROTOM OEM Replacement Motors - M2-R31672

    1/6 HP - 208/230 Volts - 1.5 Amps - PSC Type - 2/1075 RPM - CW Rot. - 4.0'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing - 7.5/370 Cap - 3.5"×1/2'' Shaft

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  5. ROTOM M4-R2423 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/8HP - 115V - 1.80A - 3/1330 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM M4-R2423 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/8HP - 115V - 1.80A - 3/1330 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/8 HP - 115 Volts - 1.8 Amps - PSC Type - 3/1330 RPM - CW Rot. - 3.4'' Body - 5.0'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 10/370 Cap - 5.0"×1/2"×2.0" Shaft

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  6. ROTOM M2-R22576 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/9HP - 208/230V - 1.30A - 2/1060 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R22576 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/9HP - 208/230V - 1.30A - 2/1060 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/9 HP - 208/230 Volts - 1.30 Amps - PSC Type - 2/1060 RPM - CW Rot. - 3.8'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 3/370 Cap - 1.5" × 1/2" Shaft

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  7. ROTOM M3-R2658 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 115V - 2.30A - 1550 RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM M3-R2658 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 115V - 2.30A - 1550 RPM - CW Rotation

    1/15 HP - 115 Volts - 2.30 Amps - SP Type - 1/1550 RPM - CW Rot. - 3.40'' Body - 4.1'' Frame - Sleeve Bearing - 1.8" × 3/8" Shaft

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  8. ROTOM M3-R2657 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 230V - 1.20A - 1550 RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM M3-R2657 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 230V - 1.20A - 1550 RPM - CW Rotation

    1/15 HP - 230 Volts - 1.20 Amps - SP Type - 1/1550 RPM - CW Rot. - 3.40'' Body - 4.1'' Frame - Sleeve Bearing - 2.4" × 3/8" Shaft

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  9. ROTOM M4-R2269 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 115V - 2.4A - 1/1050 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    ROTOM M4-R2269 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/15HP - 115V - 2.4A - 1/1050 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    1/15 HP - 115 Volts - 2.40 Amps - SP Type - 1/1050 RPM - CCW Rot. - 3.00'' Body - 5.0'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 3.0" × 1/2" Shaft

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  10. ROTOM M3-R2811 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/20HP - 115V - 2.10A - 1050 RPM - CCW Rotation

    ROTOM M3-R2811 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/20HP - 115V - 2.10A - 1050 RPM - CCW Rotation

    1/20 HP - 115 Volts - 2.1 Amps - SP Type - 1/1050 RPM - CCW Rot. - 2.6'' Body - 5.0'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 2.5" × 1/2" Shaft

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  11. ROTOM T1-R611 - Skeleton Motors - 1/300HP - 115V - 0.55A - 1/1500 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM T1-R611 - Skeleton Motors - 1/300HP - 115V - 0.55A - 1/1500 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/300 HP - 115 Volts - 0.55 Amps - SP Type - 1/1500 RPM - CW Rot. - 0.55'' Body - Skel Frame - Sleeve Bearing - 1.7" × 0.1811" Shaft

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  12. ROTOM R6-R49983 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2HP -208/230V - 2.70A - 1/1725 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM R6-R49983 - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2HP -208/230V - 2.70A - 1/1725 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/2 HP - 208/230 Volts - 2.70 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1725 RPM - CW Rot. - 5.18'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing - 5/370 Cap - 3.5" × 1/2" Shaft

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  13. ROTOM R4-R34201 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 575V - 0.5A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM R4-R34201 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 575V - 0.5A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/5 HP - 575 Volts - 0.50 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1075 RPM - CW Rot. - 4.50'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - Inc Cap - 2.5" × 1/2" Shaft

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  14. ROTOM R4-R30575 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/6HP - 575V - 0.50A - 1/1625 SPD/RPM - REV Rotation

    ROTOM R4-R30575 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/6HP - 575V - 0.50A - 1/1625 SPD/RPM - REV Rotation

    1/6 HP - 575 Volts - 0.50 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1625 RPM - Rev Rot. - 4.50'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - Inc Cap - 2.2" × 1/2" Shaft

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  15. ROTOM O4-R9211 - ECM Unit Bearing Motor - 13W - 115V - 0.47A - 1/1725 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM O4-R9211 - ECM Unit Bearing Motor - 13W - 115V - 0.47A - 1/1725 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    13 W - 115 V - 0.47 A - ECM Type - 1/1725 RPM - CW Rot. - 2.53'' Body - 3.87'' Dia - Unit Bearing - Hubless Shaft

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  16. ROTOM M2-R30900 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2 HP - 208/230V - 2.30A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R30900 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2 HP - 208/230V - 2.30A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CW Rotation

    1/2 HP - 208/230 Volts - 2.3 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1075 RPM - CW Rot. - 5.25'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing - 7.5/370 Cap - 4.0"×5/8'' Shaft

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  17. ROTOM M5-T2531 - 6.5'' Diameter OEM Replacement Motors - 3/4HP - 208/230/460V - 4.00A - 1100 RPM - REV Rotation

    ROTOM M5-T2531 - 6.5'' Diameter OEM Replacement Motors - 3/4HP - 208/230/460V - 4.00A - 1100 RPM - REV Rotation

    3/4 HP - 208/230/460 Volts - 4.00 Amps - 3 Ph Type - 1/1100 RPM - Rev Rot. - 8.00'' Body - 6.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing  - 3.0"×5/8'' Shaft

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  18. ROTOM UE-435A - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2 HP - 460V - 1.70A - 1/1075 RPM - Ball Bearing - 6.0"×1/2'' Shaft

    ROTOM UE-435A - OEM Replacement Motors - 1/2 HP - 460V - 1.70A - 1/1075 RPM - Ball Bearing - 6.0"×1/2'' Shaft

    1/2 HP - 460 Volts - 1.70 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1075 RPM - Rev Rot. - 5.12'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Ball Bearing - 7.5/370 Cap - 6.0"×1/2'' Shaft

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  19. ROTOM M2-R22437 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/4HP - 208/230V - 1.60A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - REVPLUG Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R22437 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/4HP - 208/230V - 1.60A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - REVPLUG Rotation

    1/4 HP - 208/230 Volts - 1.60 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1075 RPM - REVPLUG Rot. - 3.80'' Body - 5.5'' Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 5/370 Cap - 5.5"×1/2'' Shaft

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  20. ROTOM M2-R22170 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 208/230V - 1.40A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    ROTOM M2-R22170 - 5.5'' OEM Replacement Motors - 1/5HP - 208/230V - 1.40A - 1/1075 SPD/RPM - CCW Rotation

    1/5 HP - 208/230 Volts - 1.40 Amps - PSC Type - 1/1075 RPM - CCW Rot. - 3.87'' Body - 5.5 Dia - Sleeve Bearing - 3/370, 5/370 Cap - 4.25"×1/2'' Shaft

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Items 1 to 20 of 260 total